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人教版小学三年级英语课文【My family】教学案

来源:学大教育     时间:2017-12-22 12:11:55

教案是小学英语老师教学的重要参照,在学习英语课文之前阅读老师制定的教案可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,下面学大教育网为大家带来人教版小学三年级英语课文【My family】教学案,希望小学学生能够认真阅读。

一、教学目标(Teaching targets):

1.(知识目标)The target of knowledge:

(1) Words: father (dad)/mother (mom)/grandmother (grandma)/grandfather (grandpa)

(2)Learn these sentences: This is my ______.

2.(能力目标)The target of skills: Can introduce the family.

3.(情感目标)The target of emotion:Love family, love the family members.

二、教学重点(Main points).:The new words and sentences.

三、教学难点(Difficult point).:The pronunciation of the new words, talking about the family.

四、教具准备(Teaching aids).:word cards, family photos, a family tree.

五、教学过程:(Teaching procedures):

1、 Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Good morning, Miss Lu!

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.

T:Sit down ,please.

S: Thank you!

2 、Warm-up :

(1)song: Hello

T:Do you want to sing a song?

(2)Ask and answer:

T: Hello ,how are you?/What’s your name?/Where are you from?

Who is your friend in our class? Can you introduce your friend to me?

S: Chen Lu is my friend---.

(3) Introduce some stars.

Show some photos of stars.

T: You can introduce your friends, can you introduce them?

S: This is Snoob./XiaoWanzi……

Show the picture of Xiao Wanzi.

T:Can you introduce her?

S: This is Xiao Wanzi.

3、 Presentations

CAI呈现Listen :Hello, I’m Xiao Wanzi. This is my family. Let’s play a game..

T:Oh,Can you guess who are they? Let’s have a look, OK?

运用Flash 课件,点击物体,T:Guess, who is in it?

S:Father (dad)/mother(mom)/grandmother(grandma)/grandfather(grandpa)

Read the words then ask the students to put them on the family tree.

T: Now please look at my mouth and show your cards.


(1)Show a photo

T: Who is she?

S: This is Miss Lu.

T: Right. This is Xiaowanzi’s family, do you want to see my family?

Show a family photo.

T: This is my family. This is me, this is my father, this is my mother.

Do you bring your family photo today? Show us , please.

Ask the students to introduce their family.

(2)group work

introduce your family to your classmates.

.5 Consolidations

T: You will have a family. Let’s make up a family, OK?

Let’s act

T: Now Miss Lu has a family , you have a family , and we also have a family , I love you and you love me, understand?

6 Song

Show some family photos and listen the song “I love my family”

学大教育网为大家带来了人教版小学三年级英语课文【My family】教学案,希望大家能掌握利用英语教案的学习方法,想要阅读更多的小学英语教案请登录学大教育网查阅。

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